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We will here on our team blog each month, have a review of the individual team member called " "MEET THE SHOOTER "

And this month of January we start out with our Ambassador and webmaster


1) How many years have you been shooting IPSC?

Since 2000

2) Who introduced you to the shooting sports?

First time I had a real gun in my hand was back in 1987 and my first time travel to the Philippines, I meet a bunch of bad guys who was friendly bad guys to me, and after 2 case of beer, they ask me if I like guns and I say yes, wow they just draw all kind of guns on the table, handguns 1911, M16 rifle, Shotgun, hand grenades, yes you name it, and they ask me if I like to try, so in the middle of the town, back of the bathroom, I shoot M16 in the air, yes that was my first time.But introduced to PPSA and IPSC, was my godfather and he teach me how to shoot and was my coach. I was then introduced to IPSC when I came back to Denmark, and have been shooting since then, and also doing RO as IROA.

3) In what division / category do you currently compete?

I shoot standard, and in the Senior category, but since I move here to the Philippines, and I could not bring my own gun, I have been shooting Standard Classic and Production, and I use to shoot minor, but here I shot also major.

4) Can you describe the gun you use in your current division?

My gun is STI Edge 2011, 9mm with Bull barrel, later this year I will have a Para Ordnance and a Single Stack Colt ca. 45

5)Who is your gunsmith?

Right now I don´t have a special one, but in Denmark I use

6) Which holster do you prefer?

Ernie Hill/ Guga Ribas Universal holster, the best on the marked right now.

7) Which gun club do you belong to?

Frederiksberg SkytteLaug in Denmark and Armscor in Philippines and soon a club in iloilo

8) Which is the most memorable match that you participated ?

There is so many, like World Shoot in Bali, EHC in Serbia, but I think it´s must be when I got my first President´s Medals in GKS Quickborn Match in Germany back in 2011 when I just become Senior, that year I got 3 presidents Medals in the same place :)

9) Who is your shooting idol?

Eric Grauffel from France and Jag Lejano from Philippines

10) What are your other sports and hobbies?

Computer and making website´s

11) Why did you choose Team Icarus and Icarus Shirts

I was all the way back in 1990, introduced to icarus shirt, later I made shirt just for me to sell because of my web site and has been in the icarus family since, am also ambassador of icarus in Europe and Scandinavia, where we now sit on 85% of all IPSC shooters especially in Sweden and Norway, but also Denmark, Finland, and Germany have lot´s of shirt from us. Then i was asked a few years ago if I would join the team icarus and am very happy to be in the team, am now also the team webmaster.

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